***Disclaimer: I am not discouraging or encouraging purchase of the products discussed in this blog.***

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Tuesday, August 24, 2010 is on to Something...

As I've mentioned I recently came back from visiting my parents in Alabama, and we flew in and out of Midway International Airport.  I would like to paint the picture of how I felt on this day, and why I'm impressed with  It was very hot and humid-so much so that I didn't feel a major difference when we arrived in Atlanta.  I wear jeans and sneakers when I fly because I freeze on planes and I am not walking through security barefoot.  I also had Rex my Rat-Cha traveling with me.  Traveling with Rex is always stressful, because he hates his carrier and I hate cooping him up in such a small space for long periods of time.

Once we arrive at the airport I take him potty one last time before we go inside. I have to put him in the carrier to check bags and get seat assignments.  To go through security I have to do the standard things everyone does: take my laptop out of its case, remove my shoes and other items to place into the security bins.  I then have to take Rex back out his carrier,  remove his collar, leash etc., to walk through the metal detector with him in my arms.  Afterward I have to put EVERYTHING back into it's original case; all while trying not to lose my dog and anger the people behind me for taking up too much time at the end of the conveyor belt.  It stinks.

Now, I bet you want to know why I set up that horrendous scenario.  It's because in the midst of this chaos and misery I noticed that has set their ads in unique places where every traveler will notice them: in the security bins!  I. Was. Floored.   Every traveler must use those bins for to go through security!  Even if it's just to take their keys and cell phone out of their pocket, the bin is a necessity.  Not to mention that Midway is an International airport in one of the world's largest cities.  If that isn't enough to make your eyes pop consider this nugget of information: In 2009 there were a little over 17 million travelers passing through Midway!!

So, let's dig a little deeper into the why the placement of these ads is superb and unique. First off, they have clearly defined their target. wants a repeat customer with disposable income.  Most leisure and business travelers meet that requirement. Secondly,  the ads are cute and relative to the distinct situations one finds themselves in when they travel-taking off their shoes to walk through a metal detector.  Lastly, (and this is my absolute favorite part)the genius lies beyond just the ads themselves, but in the physical location of the ads.  Think about it.  What does TSA encourage all travelers to do?  Arrive at least two hours prior to your flight.  Why? To ensure you get through the increasingly stringent airport security.  This, coupled with the increase of travelers refusing to pay the extra fees to check their bags, equals more carry on luggage.  As a result more persons are required to use extra bins to go through security.  Then, after passing inspection,  the travelers have at least an hour to wait at the gate.  In this hour they may decide to hop on the free Wi-Fi and browse  It is impossible to think this is just a creative ad campaign.  The thought and execution are perfect.  Remember,  the bins caught the eye of this distressed and harried traveler.

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